Thursday, May 21, 2020

Finally Getting That Hit Of "Fresh Air" From Quicksilver Messenger Service

As an old hippie that found himself in his formative years in the late 1960s I, like most of my generations, latched on to the music of the period to help define who I was.  Though at the time I wasn’t cognizant enough to be aware of the minute distinctions of the music of the period, I just knew I liked what I heard coming out of my transistor radio.  I was enamored with groups like Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Jefferson Airplane, The Doors and etc.  As to whether or not they were a “San Francisco” based band ala one of Bill Graham's Fillmore West related venues band or from the British music invasion was of little consequence.  I gobbled it up as fast as my meager discretionary funds that I was in possession of as an early teen allowed me to.  But for some reason I missed this group and this song, “Fresh Air” by the Quicksilver Messenger Service from their album Just for Love, 1970. 

I am vaguely aware of seeing their albums in the usual retail music venues of the period but I never was aware of anything they did that passed by my ear.  But this week I stumbled upon this song when I was looking for something else that introduced me to this incredibly talented and profoundly progressive band.   What’s so striking to me is how fresh this song sounds today like it was recorded last week.  And the vocals by Dino Martini are incredibly melodic and haunting as is the guitar work by the late John Cipolina. How I missed hearing this song is amazing to me. I’m sure it had the requisite air play but for some reason I never connected with it.  Now I can’t hear it enough as I’ve really been playing it lot this past week since I ran across it.  If you are like me or are someone of a different generation doing a little music exploration here is this golden nugget of the past remastered.  Enjoy.

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