Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Ancecdote: Medicine & Expectations of Character

Donald J. Trump's recent obsession and promotion of hydroxychloroquine reminds me of an anecdote regarding character, medicine in general, and one's relationship with personal responsibility for healthcare that demonstrates the fact that it depends on one's point of view when it comes to others and their relationship with medication and medicine.

Anecdote: An old lady, on her way to a summer resort, kept pestering the conductor to tell her when they would reach Ellenville.  Finally, harried by her constant questioning, he pleaded with her to bother him no more, that he would tell her as soon as they reached the town.  Becoming busy with all his duties, the train reached and passed Ellenville with the conductor forgetting all about the old lady.  Suddenly recollecting her anxiety about the place, he backed up the train and as it pulled into the little station, he hurried out and told the women, "Here you are now- in Ellenville.  I'll help you with your luggage."
"Oh, thank you," replied the dear old lady.  "Never mind.  I'm not getting off here.  My daughter just told me that when I got to Ellenville, it would be just about time to take another of my pills." 


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