Monday, May 6, 2013

NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover Back In Action

Nice to see NASA's Mars Rover Curiosity back on the job after Mars slipped behind the sun for a month.  It has been operating on the surface of Mars since November 26th, 2011.  As Mars solar conjunctions happen every 26 months these 'blackouts' are planned and expected.  From what I can tell this is the most advanced Martian rover to date.  As it is the size of a small car the engineering feat landing it is something to marvel at.  You can follow Curiosity's exploits here and keep up to date on any new discoveries and possibilites future exploration.  The images being sent back are really jaw dropping.  I hope this rover lasts as long as the Mars rover Opportunity which has been operating since January 25th, 2004.  That's over nine years now.  It's twin Spirit stopped working in 2009.

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