Monday, March 26, 2012

iPhone App "Night Sky" Is A Wonder

This is the second night I have had the Night Sky app for my iPhone loaded and its a wonder.  An added feature I had not anticipated is the kewl new age music that accompanies it while you are using it.  I paid $.99 for the app and just in the past two night it's fantastic.  I am able to observe the constellations and the planets in our solar system in transition through each constellation they appear in.  I am truly facinated by the dual feature that allows you to observe the sky as it looks from your POV on earth.  I love the fact I can change the sky view settings from horizon to non-horizon.  It shows each constellation with the major stars named and the location of each observable planet. 

I was able to observe the locations for Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto and note the contellations they were crossing at 02:20 UTC, March 26th, 2012.  Its a very kewl way to learn the constellations and it will make it easy to teach my six year old daughter how to identify each one by sight.  All I need to do now is find Uranus to complete the circuit of ol' Sol's heavenly bodies.

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