Monday, January 26, 2009

Its not a diet, but a lifestyle

Well my weight has finally gotten out of control here and its time to take some action. I'm not going to go on a "diet" per se but make a radical change in my eating habits. My back problems have not been solved by repeated visits to the chiropractor or a massage therapist. So it looks like I had better take the weight off now. I'm going to do a weight in tonight and make a habit of Monday weight checks. I want to add a walking regimen to this new eating habits routine. I'm not going to deny myself certain foods but I am going to use will power to monitor how much I eat. I've also discovered how much I miss salads. Right now I can't seem to get enough.

Later tonight I'll get the ball rolling with a weigh in after an evening walk. Adding a morning walk tomorrow when I get up should get the ball rolling here. Next week I will ease in a rowing machine routine to help kick in the cardio vascular variant and see if I can't get some weight of here.

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