Thursday, March 16, 2023

Back In The Saddle


I had given up blogging for a while for a variety of reasons too numerous to matter at this point.  But as I near retirement I am contemplating being more active in the fields of interest that drive my insatiable curiosity on a variety of subjects and activites.  As an avid follower of space exploration, astronomy, science, art, a new era in Gator Football, aging, music and e.t.c. I find my insatiable thirst to just simply "know" is still the same as the last time I posted in May of 2020.  Blogging takes a certain discipline I have not been able to cultivate.  One of the reasons I paused as long as I have is I have OCD (Obsession Compulsion Disorder).  IOW, I am a perfectionist and it takes me quite a while to actually get through a post to the point I'm ready to submit it.  But alas, here I go again trying to share my interests with the like minded that are unfortuneate enough to stumble upon this humble attempt to sound meaningful in my exploration of eclectic interests that I find fascinating.  So drop a comment if you can add to any of my observations to give clarity to what I see.  

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Number of Days Until The Start of Gator Football Season