Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A New Season Of Expectations And Quarterbacks

Were still 152 days out from opening day kickoff against the University of Massachusetts Minutemen at The Swamp but that doesn't mean the discussion can't start for the possiblities the new football season has in store for the Jim McElwain led Gators.  I was optimistic last year for Coach Mac's inaugural season and I wasn't disappointed.  

The 2015-2016 season still reflected the damage done by the floundering last year of Will Muschamp that left the team in disarray with no identity and without a prospect of a starting QB to take the reigns and lead the offense.  But Coach Mac took the team and did something Muschamp was never able to do:  to make the whole of the team greater than the sum of its parts and have the team perform beyond expectations.  

Now that Treon Harris has been tentatively moved to a TE/WR position [though he's still listed on the roster as a QB] the starting QB position is reported to be a wide-open contest between Purdue graduate transfer Austin Appleby and Oregon State transfer red shirt sophomore Luke Del Rio, son the former head Coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars.  For me expectations are high for the new set of QB's due to Coach Mac's reputation for QB development and the putting together high powered offenses. I'm really excited and looking forward to what Coach Mac has cooked up for the new season beginning on Saturday, September 3rd.  Here's Coach Mac talking about what his expectations are for the Gator offense in the lead up to the Orange & blue Game on Friday night [April 8th] at 7:00PM on the SEC Network:

Sounds like he's pretty clear with what he wants out of his offense for this preview of the team dynamic with a new set of QB's.  The schedule looks favorable to help the team develop the quarterbacks for the offensive scheme Coach Mac wants and to prepare it to perform up to expectations that he and the fans expect.

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Number of Days Until The Start of Gator Football Season