Friday, August 6, 2010

28 Days

In Steve McQueen's classic racing movie "Le Mans" he explains to the wife of a racing colleague who died the previous year in a fiery accident why he still races in a sport so fraught with danger, "For us there is only racing. The time in just waiting." For Gator alumnus and fans alike its no different. There is Gator football season and all the time in between is just waiting. That's why hearing the news that Gator football practice started yesterday is like mainlining adrenaline. Being jacked for a new season and salivating at the prospect of another run at an SEC championship, revenge at Tuscaloosa for last years SEC Championship game loss, the debut of John Brantley as the new on the field leader of the offense, and the return of Urban Meyer makes the rush even greater.

That loss to Alabama last year in Atlanta still hangs in my throat along with a bad taste in my mouth that simply will not go away. I don't know if Brantley is the guy to make things right but the anticipation is almost unbearable. There is a lot to sort out. Will Andre DuBose be the guy we think he is capable of being? There's that issue of depth at linebacker. What's Meyer's plans for a possible appearance of Trey Burton with some wildcat time at QB. What can we expect from the Freshmen? And finally, the QB position. Will Brantley be the QB we think he can be? The time to sort all this out is almost upon us.

Yep. For us there is football season. All the time between is just waiting. That wait is almost over. In 28 days / 20 hours/ and 36 minutes its going to be game time at the swamp.

I'm already there.

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Number of Days Until The Start of Gator Football Season