Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sighting the ISS from the ground

Found a nice amateur video taken from the top of a garage in the U.K. with a privately owned observatory of the ISS during three orbital passes overhead. Nicely done I might add. I'm still trying to figure out how to read NASA's web site tracking the ISS so I can get an observation date for an overhead orbital pass here at home. For some reason I think it is to close to the horizon here where there are a lot of trees with light pollution that will surely make it impossible to spot. But I'll keep trying anyway.

Space.com is a nice web site that has just about any information you want to know that has to do with space. The site also have a pretty cool calender of all launches into to orbit around the world with links to live video covering the event. There is supposed to be a launch this evening from the Air Force Base at Cape Canaveral as you can see here. It is tentatively scheduled for 8:32pm this evening. If the launch goes off and the sky is clear I should be able to get a nice view from my front yard. Discovery STS-119's night launch gave us a spectacular view here a couple of weeks ago. I should have shot some video. Next time I will.

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