Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sighting the ISS from the ground

Found a nice amateur video taken from the top of a garage in the U.K. with a privately owned observatory of the ISS during three orbital passes overhead. Nicely done I might add. I'm still trying to figure out how to read NASA's web site tracking the ISS so I can get an observation date for an overhead orbital pass here at home. For some reason I think it is to close to the horizon here where there are a lot of trees with light pollution that will surely make it impossible to spot. But I'll keep trying anyway.

Space.com is a nice web site that has just about any information you want to know that has to do with space. The site also have a pretty cool calender of all launches into to orbit around the world with links to live video covering the event. There is supposed to be a launch this evening from the Air Force Base at Cape Canaveral as you can see here. It is tentatively scheduled for 8:32pm this evening. If the launch goes off and the sky is clear I should be able to get a nice view from my front yard. Discovery STS-119's night launch gave us a spectacular view here a couple of weeks ago. I should have shot some video. Next time I will.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Doing the blog thing

Ok. Now is the time for me to get my weight loss program in full swing. Tonight I'll do a start off weight in and then start tracking my weight loss activities. I really want to get slimmed down before the school year starts next year. Something tells me I'm going to need all the physical ability and stamina I can get. It is a relief I still have my job after the program of cuts taking place throughout the state of Florida regarding education. I'm not out of the woods yet though. Something tells me we will have to go through one more round of cuts before its all over. Just have to stay tuned to that one....
Number of Days Until The Start of Gator Football Season