Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Monday (Tuesday) Weigh In

Well, today I weighed myself as I've been doing this low carb diet for a week now. I didn't weigh in last Monday because I wanted to make sure I was going through with this. I would have weighed in yesterday, but it was Memorial Day and all the grocer outlets with huge weight scales for tubs like me were closed. So I had to wait until today. I went by Publix to do a little family shopping on the way home and jumped on as I was leaving. The big moment:

259 lbs.

Ugh. My guess was somewhere between 265 and 275. I'm glad I scored on the under but that like asking Ms. Kennedy how she liked her ride through Dallas other than that assasination thing. Anyway I'll try to track my meal carbs starting tonight.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Three Column Blog I've Been Looking For

Ah, I found it. Courtesy of Testing Blogger Beta. This nifty three column blog for beta is what I've been searching for. My limited capabilities on CSS were stretched to the limit and my blogger needs have epanded beyond the scope of my knowledge and abilities. It has has taken me nearly two years to tweek my main blog, Truman's Conscience to where I want it. It's a real labor for me to edit the html manually as I really have no training and I know just enough to get me in trouble.

I'll post later when time allows about my objective(s) here for this effort. I love the look of it of the basic template and I'll be trying to tweek this one out as well trying to learn the xhtml code needed for editing.
Number of Days Until The Start of Gator Football Season